Experts have revealed how gluten affects anxiety

It seems that about gluten already everything and even more has been said, but experts continue to study it and, surprisingly, find a lot of new things. The ability of gluten to affect the level of anxiety has become the subject of recent scientific research. The editors of the Baazar publication told what the experts came to.


To begin with, let us recall that gluten or gluten is a high-molecular protein contained in most cereal crops (especially in wheat, rye and barley ). It poses a real danger only to people with celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or food allergies. In the first case, gluten disrupts the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, adversely affecting the stomach tissues, which can cause an inflammatory reaction of the body.

Controversy still rages about the harm (or lack thereof) of gluten to the body of a healthy person. Some experts are of the opinion that even people without celiac disease will not benefit from gluten and recommend giving it up. Others, on the contrary, claim that gluten has no effect on the body of a healthy person.

According to the latest research, the use of gluten can indeed affect the level of anxiety, and not only in subjects with celiac disease, but also in absolutely healthy people. The participants of the experiment did not consume pure gluten, but products containing it. All these products have a high glycemic index, that is, they cause a sharp change in the level of sugar in the blood. A jump is always followed by a sharp decline, and this, in turn, causes anxiety.

Thus, by giving up wheat rolls and pasta, you really reduce the risk of anxiety. But it is still impossible to say for sure whether sugar or gluten is to blame.

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Author: alex

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