Experts have revealed whether it is healthy to drink orange juice for breakfast
Orange juice is very popular as a morning drink, and it is often positioned as a healthy way to start the day. However, some experts warn against drinking such juice every day. The editorial staff of Baazar sorted out what is true and what is fiction.
Orange juice actually contains many important vitamins and nutrients, but it also has a high level of sugar.
Carotenoids in the body act as antioxidants, helping to strengthen the immune system and help fight harmful substances – free radicals. Flavonoids are responsible for similar functions, they also fight radicals and reduce inflammation.
You can talk about the benefits of vitamin C for a long time: it plays a lot of important functions for the body, among other things, it improves the functioning of the immune system, which is especially important during the period of viruses. However, you can get all these health bonuses by eating an orange.
In fact, orange juice contains almost as much sugar and calories as soda. That is why even such an innocent-looking drink can raise blood sugar levels, which can later lead to serious heart and kidney diseases.
Healthy nutrition experts recommend eating fruit rather than drinking fresh juices. Fruits contain fiber, which slows down the digestion process and makes you feel full. However, in the case of juices, you will not feel full, while one glass contains the juice of several fruits and a large amount of sugar.
If you have problems with weight control, orange juice is not the best solution. You will get extra calories from this drink, but you will not eat less, because the feeling of satiety will never come.
Starting every day with a glass of fresh juice is clearly not the best option for health. Drinking this drink several times a week is the best option to balance all the pros and cons.
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