Experts have told about the reasons why you cannot drink tea with sugar
Experts told about the reasons. According to them, in the case of reducing the amount of glucose in the body, the metabolism of a person will work better.
sugar acts as the main enemy of the figure. It should be borne in mind that tea with it significantly increases appetite. After such a drink, the desire of a person to eat increases more and he certainly adds some sweets to it. Scientists have managed to prove: sugar adversely affects metabolism, slowing it down, and provokes deposits in the abdomen and a very dangerous visceral fat.
you still need to remember diabetes. Excessive amount of product is the main cause of the disease, which is common, and therefore it makes sense to approach the excess glucose in the blood. In the course of the studies, it was found that people who consumed about 30 grams of sugar per day, the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease, increased three times compared to those who eat 6 grams. As it turned out, sweets also affect brain activity. In addition, it is useful to replace sweet products with natural analogues, such as a banana or apple. This action allows you to remove extra pounds and bring the body to normal. It is necessary to keep in mind the detrimental effect of sugar on the teeth, the treatment of which is not cheap. It is better to prevent potential unwanted consequences than after eliminating them.
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