Experts have told us what pomegranate is good for

Pomegranate is one of the most important products for maintaining cardiovascular health. Due to its high vitamin B12 content, pomegranate pulp helps normalize blood pressure (both high and low), strengthens blood vessel walls, increases their elasticity, and promotes active synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin. The latter is important for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. With a lack of hemoglobin, the brain does not receive enough oxygen, which is why we experience chronic fatigue, memory impairment, and concentration problems.

Pomegranate season falls in late autumn, when our body is especially susceptible to viral diseases. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and fruit acids, which protect the body's cells from damage and stimulate the production of immunoglobulin – the main “building material” for our immune defense. In addition, pomegranate has powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which allows it to provide reliable protection for the body from pathogenic bacteria.

Pomegranate juice is rich in various fruit acids – citric, malic, tartaric, oxalic and succinic. They help regulate the body's pH balance, remove toxins and toxins, ensuring effective detoxification of the body, stimulate digestion and accelerate metabolism. However, if you have a sensitive stomach, the juice must be diluted with water before consumption, otherwise its high acidity may cause painful sensations.

Pomegranate can also help maintain beauty and youth. Due to its high content of vitamin C, fruit acids and tannins, the fruit provides reliable protection against free radical damage, prevents the development of inflammatory reactions, slows down the aging process, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

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Author: alex

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