Experts have told us whether it makes sense to use eggshells in the garden

Many summer residents use eggshells in the garden as fertilizer, but is there any benefit to this or is it a waste of time?


Gardeners come to this component in the process of searching for natural fertilizers, trying to abandon any means of agro-industrial chemistry.

But experienced vegetable growers have identified 3 fashionable myths about eggshells that are destroyed with the help of simple scientific facts.

Shells – mineral nutrition

Eggshells are 95% composed of calcium carbonate – a compound that does not dissolve in water. Another 5% are calcium phosphate, magnesium carbonate and 27 other items, as well as insoluble and soluble proteins. The problem is that they do not become available to plant roots after the shells are introduced into the soil.

The decomposition of the component occurs in acidic soil, but takes several months. If the soil is neutral in acidity, it will take years.

Insist in water, alcohol or grind

A home-made method of dissolving in water or alcohol. However, there is very little benefit from this method. From the shell, craftsmen obtain protein (nitrogen component), hydrogen sulfide and a number of other elements that plants do not really need.

Crushing will speed up the decomposition process, but only slightly. If you throw the shell into the hole, then even with an optimistic decomposition, the remains of chicken eggs will not have time to decompose and the plants will not be able to get that small fraction of useful elements.


Supporters of everything natural and, above all, eggshells in the garden keep this fact quiet. For a certain effect per 1 sq. m. you need 2 cups of crushed shells.

It turns out that this is about 200 eggs. And for a hundred, you need more than 20 thousand eggs. However, according to other calculations, you generally need to apply 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m., which is even more. Therefore, the question arises, where to get so many eggs for an ordinary summer resident.

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Author: alex

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