Experts Name Five Best Dietary Supplements for Women's Health

Experts named the five best food supplements for the daily diet to maintain women's health. Nutritionists consider fish oil and flaxseed oil to be the most important.

Nutritionists decided to compile a list of the five most important and necessary dietary supplements for every woman who has decided to limit her diet. Experts believe that any diet is harmful to the body and girls often forget about the importance of fats in food. That is why they recommend adding a small amount of fish oil or flaxseed oil. This will help compensate for the lack of such important elements.

You should not forget about vitamins. The most useful for women are C and B12. They help keep the body in good shape and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Finally, experts point out the usefulness of soy protein. It, like other dietary supplements, is designed to fill the lack of nutrients in foods. At the same time, experts strongly recommended consulting with nutritionists before using any supplements or starting a diet.

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Author: alex

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