Experts named 4 main mistakes when drinking coffee
Experts listed 4 main mistakes when drinking coffee that can harm health. One of them is to drink it on an empty stomach.
As experts explained, when coffee is drunk on an empty stomach, the level of sugar in a person's blood increases. If this is repeated regularly for a long time, you can earn gastritis. It is recommended to drink the drink one hour after eating.
The second mistake when drinking coffee is to drink more than four cups a day. Such misuse of the product threatens with problems with sleep, blood pressure jumps, dehydration of the body.
The third thing that should not be done when drinking coffee is to drink soluble instead of a natural product, because the latter is full of flavorings, dry milk, sugar and other additives that harm health.
The fourth mistake is called drinking unfiltered coffee. In this case, you will have to make sure that coffee grounds do not get into the body together with the drink, which can increase the level of “bad” cholesterol.
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