Experts named 5 basic principles of proper nutrition for beginners

Recently proper nutrition more and more people are interested, but at the initial stage, a lot of information on the network can be confusing. Experts have identified five main principles that will help beginners start a healthy lifestyle.

Nutritional regime

It is important that the biological clock orients itself in time when servings arrive. Eating should be regular, which will have a favorable effect on the metabolic process. Experts emphasized that coffee with milk without sugar or tea with sugar is a complete meal. The body should be without calories for at least 3 hours.

Small portions

A portion of 300-400 g per serving is recommended for women, and 450-550 g for men. If a person overeats regularly, he will become overweight.

Drink water

An adult who has a moderate physical load and lives in a moderate climate, is able to release 2.5 liters of liquid per day, including sweat, urine and breath. The body will receive one liter from solid food, which means that the other 1.5 liters must be consumed. You can drink tea or compote, but plain pure water should exceed all other drinks in quantity.


It is important that the menu consists of healthy products: whole , rich in valuable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is better to exclude sausage and semi-finished products. The basis of nutrition is cereals, cereals, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, dairy products.

Minimum sugar

Confectionery and fast food are are products devoid of any benefit. This is food garbage that only increases appetite. If it is excluded, then not only extra kilograms will go away, but also bad health.

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Author: alex

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