Experts named 5 reasons for giving up milk cereal


in the daily diet of a large number of people. Milk porridge are considered useful and satisfying. However, experts say that a dish prepared on the basis of fresh milk can cause serious harm to health. Experts have named 5 reasons that are a reason to refuse to use this product. It is in the number of citizens that, according to experts, there is no enzyme in the body that helps to break down “milk”, so the use of raw milk in the form of porridge or in any other variant can cause an allergic reaction.

except In addition, it is necessary to give up milk porridge because of the incompatibility of carbohydrates and fats, the process of digestion of which occurs in different parts of the intestine. Products with a high content of these organic substances are best used separately, which will help to avoid disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Experts consider the myth of the statement of helping the product in the process of weight loss, saying that there are many calories in cereals and milk, so it is not necessary to expect weight loss. 'Eat something sweet. Scientists explain this habit of getting a larger dose of carbohydrates, which, in particular, are many in milk porridge, so this effect occurs.

and the last cause is the loss of cereals when boiling milk useful properties. Therefore, it is better to cook porridge on water, as in this case it is possible to keep more fiber, which helps to cleanse the body of slag and toxins.

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Author: alex

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