Experts named five foods that are forbidden to eat raw

< p>Not all vegetables and food products are useful in their raw form, and some are even very dangerous for the body. Experts named five of them – they turn into real poison.

Some foods should be prepared with great care, otherwise you can get poisoning or problems with the kidneys and stomach. These include potatoes, which are dangerous due to the poisonous organic compound – solanine.

Legs are also on the list because they contain the plant toxin – phasin. Raw poultry is strictly prohibited for consumption due to the presence of Campylobacter bacteria.

Eggs and raw dough are also on the list. In the first case, a person risks contracting salmonella, and in the second, the danger lies in pathogenic Escherichia coli.

Experts recommend that the listed products be subject to heat treatment in order to avoid negative health consequences.

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Author: alex

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