Experts named four mistakes that reduce the benefits of tea

Tea is considered one of the most useful drinks Regular consumption of black and green tea has many health benefits, including weight loss and increased antioxidant levels. However, many lose its useful properties due to mistakes made during preparation.

1. Too much sugar

Whether it's a piece of sugar or a spoonful of honey, sugar is sugar. If you sweeten the tea a little, there will be no negative consequences. But if you drink it with a few spoons of sugar, then very soon the drink will turn from healthy to unhealthy. The best way to enjoy tea is to drink it in its pure form.

2. Artificial sweeteners

Some believe that artificial sweeteners will solve the sugar problem. Although they have been studied for many years, researchers have yet to determine the relationship of such supplements to various diseases. In order not to risk it again, experts advise limiting the use of this product.

3. Too much cream

4. Brewing too long

A standard cup of tea (250 ml) contains 20 to 40 mg of caffeine. However, if the tea is brewed for too long, this figure can increase significantly. People with heart diseases are recommended to carefully monitor the time of its preparation. As a rule, to get a delicious drink, it is enough to let it brew for 4 minutes.

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Author: alex

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