Experts named fragrant home flowers: the smell will be like in a five-star hotel
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It is wrong to think that indoor plants are only needed for beauty and absorption of carbon dioxide. The benefits of home colors are not limited to this. There is another positive side to growing “green pets” on the windowsill.
Yes, some plants can act as natural flavoring agents. They fill the room with a pleasant smell, not inferior to purchased warehouses.
An excellent option, according to experienced florists, is eucharis. This flower is also called the Amazon lily or the December narcissus. The plant blooms in the first month of winter.
Another option is jasmine. A four-petaled tropical plant that will decorate an apartment and fill it with a pleasant aroma.
The simplest and most popular option is citrus. During the flowering period, their aroma spreads smoothly throughout the house. This usually happens in the spring.
Citrus leaves can be mashed – they will also give off a pleasant aroma. They can be added to tea. The drink will not be sour, but will acquire a citrus aroma
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