Experts named groats to normalize blood sugar levels
One of the best natural remedies that contribute to the normalization of blood sugar level is bulgur groats – scientists explain its effect by the combination of a large amount of fiber and phytonutrients.
High content of sugar in the blood threatens health with dangerous disorders, including damage to blood vessels, deterioration of heart and kidney function. At the same time, eating healthy and useful food can contribute to the normalization of its level and protect against similar problems.
Some products in this regard can be considered ideal – they not only help to achieve a normal blood sugar level, but also show many other health-promoting properties. Scientists consider bulgur grain to be one of these products.
“Bulgur is a whole grain with minimal processing, very rich in dietary fibers, which have a positive effect on heart health, weight loss, and blood sugar control. “Several studies have demonstrated the ability of whole grains to improve the body's overall sensitivity to insulin,” its experts said.
According to them, due to the large amount of fiber, bulgur promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria that produce short-chain fatty acids that support health. intestines and proper digestive function. Thanks to this feature, the total amount of energy absorbed from food is reduced – in this way, the cereal prevents spikes in the level of glucose in the blood.
In addition, bulgur can be considered an ideal cereal for supporting the healthy functioning of the heart – it contains an impressive amount of minerals , have a positive effect on the condition of the heart muscle. Doctors recommend choosing cereals with large grains, which require a long cooking time.
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