Experts named the 3 most useful types of fish

Fish contains many elements important for health and vitamins, starting with omega-3 acids and ending with protein. However, a few varieties are considered the healthiest, experts say.


Doctors recommend serving sardines sprinkled with lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil, or with chopped tomatoes and basil. For a quick snack, you can use sardines on whole grain crackers.


Herring contains no less omega-3 fatty acids than salmon or tuna. It is an important element for health that prevents the formation of “cholesterol plaques”, supports the work of the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

“Try herring chilled with a light marinade of white wine vinegar, red onion and dill . Another popular option is to combine herring with mustard and dill,” doctors at the Cleveland Clinic recommend.


The list of the most useful fish species is mackerel. Its advantage is also that it contains a large amount of omega-3. Mackerel is recommended to be boiled or grilled and added to vegetable salad.

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Author: alex

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