Experts named the best way to strengthen immunity

Although there is no magic wand that can quickly boost immunity, there is one simple way to boost your body's defenses. According to experts, exercise, quality sleep, giving up bad habits and reducing stress will help support the immune system. However, doctors recommend adding one more rule to your daily routine – to follow a balanced diet.

Such nutrition means eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, minimizing processed foods, added sugar and sodium. As experts from the Cleveland Clinic explained, fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that directly affect immunity. This especially applies to the two most important vitamins: D and C.

“While supplements can fill in the gaps in your diet, the best way to replenish your supply of essential nutrients is to get them directly from food. The body absorbs and uses vitamins better when they come from natural sources,” the doctors explained.

A diet high in processed foods, added sugar and sodium increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and hypertension. All these conditions have a negative effect on the immune system.

Scientists have already proven that vitamin C will help strengthen the body's natural defenses. For example, in a study, it is said that the substance supports various cellular functions, and its deficiency leads to a violation of the immune system responses and increased susceptibility to infections.

At the same time, the US National Institutes of Health notes that vitamin D also helps regulate immunity, reduce inflammation, and even slow down the growth of cancer cells. Good sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, egg yolks, liver and milk.

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Author: alex

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