Experts named the components that do not need to be added to coffee

Quality coffee in in moderate amounts has a number of benefits for the body. And in order to improve the properties of the drink, you should follow several rules when using it.

How to drink coffee better:

  • do not drink on an empty stomach: coffee components have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane stomach, so coffee before meals can cause pain, heartburn;
  • maintain water balance: due to the diuretic effect of coffee, it is recommended to fill the future moisture deficit with a glass of water after a cup of aromatic drink;
  • add spices such as cinnamon and cloves are sources of antioxidants;
  • do not add sugar: the liquid contributes to the accelerated entry of sugar into the bloodstream, which leads to a spike in glucose, but you can add milk or cream – they soften the effect of coffee on the mucous membranes .

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Author: alex

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