Experts named the most useful way of cooking eggs

Eggs can be found in almost every list of healthy foods: they are full of protein , vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. However, many nutritionists are of the opinion that improperly cooked eggs are not only not good for the body, but can also cause serious harm to it. Whether it is true and how there are eggs to benefit from them, the experts of the Baazar publication told.


It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question, because several factors affect the benefits (and harms) of eggs. For example, long-term heat treatment – long boiling in hot water or baking in the oven – increases the digestibility of egg white. This is very important, because the “complete” egg white contains all amino acids indispensable for the body.

On the other hand, during long-term temperature treatment, other useful substances contained in eggs are destroyed. Thus, with prolonged cooking, frying or baking, eggs lose from 12% to 61% of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. To keep these losses to a minimum, it is recommended to use higher temperatures and a shorter cooking time, but in this case, intensive oxidation of cholesterol occurs, which is rich in egg yolks, which does not have the best effect on the health of the cardiovascular system.

So what to do with all this? There is no way to completely avoid the processes of the breakdown of useful substances or the oxidation of cholesterol, but you can choose methods of cooking eggs in which the harm to the body from these processes will be minimal. Experts recommend giving preference to hard-boiled eggs and poached eggs. These are the simplest ways to cook eggs that do not require high temperatures or too long heat treatment.

Omelet lovers should avoid adding milk, cream and other dairy products to the dish (this increases the load on the heart), but on the contrary, it is better to add more vegetables – they will help replenish all the vitamins and antioxidants lost in the cooking process. Fry eggs in a dry pan or with the addition of natural oils – ghee, olive or coconut – they do not oxidize and do not put an additional burden on the heart.

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Author: alex

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