Experts named the products that can stop hair loss

There are many reasons for hair loss. These include genetics, age, hormones, nutrient deficiencies, toxicity, medications, and autoimmunity. When it comes to malfunctions in the body, stopping hair loss is difficult, sometimes even impossible. However, the right diet can often reverse this process. Dietitian Joseph Debe, DC, CDN, CCSP, named foods that can solve the problem of thin and dull hair.

The lack of minerals necessary for hair can be filled thanks to spinach. It is rich in iron and contains sebum that acts as a natural hair conditioner. Leafy greens also contain omega-three acids, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid. This component promotes blood flow to the scalp and hair growth. Only 30 grams of seeds contain 20% of the daily vitamin norm.

Eggs are rich in a B vitamin called biotin, which helps hair grow and strengthens brittle nails. Of the group of women with hair loss, 36% of them were found to be deficient in biotin. The vitamin is also found in almonds, avocados and salmon. Lentils are rich in protein, iron, zinc and biotin, as well as folic acid. The latter is necessary to restore the health of red blood cells, which supply the scalp with oxygen that is good for hair.

Zinc is an important mineral for overall health. If it is not enough, then not only hair on the head, but also eyelashes can fall out. Oysters, beef, crabs and lobsters are rich in zinc. Without sufficient dietary protein, hair essentially goes on strike. New hair does not replace those that have fallen out (about 50-100 hairs per day), due to which “pure” hair loss is observed. Protein can be found in meat, but it is better to choose lean foods such as chicken, fish or lean pork loin. They have less saturated fat.

Magnesium deficiency can lead to increased calcium concentrations, which will increase insulin levels. This will cause hair loss. There is a lot of magnesium in halibut, as well as in some other types of fish.

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Author: alex

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