Experts named the rules for using an electric toothbrush

Dental hygiene is very important for a person, and an electric toothbrush can really help in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. When cleaning with an electric toothbrush, you should avoid too aggressive actions. It is already very effective in removing accumulated food residues, as well as for preventing tooth decay and gum disease. This device has a cleaning head that vibrates using micro-movements that allow the bristles to reach hard-to-reach areas between the teeth.

Cleaning the toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes can become dirty and smelly over time. You need to clean your electric toothbrush regularly to keep it in top shape for effective brushing. This should be done once a month. For a deeper cleaning of the toothbrush head, you should create a cleaning solution consisting of one part bleach to 10 parts water. Completely submerge the brush head in this solution while touching the cleaning solution while wearing protective gloves.

You should soak the toothbrush head for about an hour to get rid of germs. It is very important to thoroughly rinse the head of the toothbrush with water afterwards, and then wipe it dry.

Daily maintenance

Every day after use, rinse the toothbrush with tap water to remove all toothpaste and dirt. Do not brush your teeth too often. You should also not press too hard on the toothbrush, this will prevent the bristles from wearing out, otherwise it will become less effective. It is better to store the electric brush in an upright position and let it air dry.


The toothbrush head should be changed every three months or when the bristles start to wear. The entire unit must be replaced periodically.

Toothbrush handle

To clean the toothbrush handle, in rubber gloves, wipe it with a cloth dipped in a cleaning solution ( 1 part of the substance to 10 parts of water). The metal rod attached to the toothbrush head should simply be wiped with a cloth.


Express also listed eight tips for maintaining a bright white smile with an electric toothbrush. of the toothbrush:

* hold the toothbrush at a 45° angle with slight pressure;
* brush each tooth for about five seconds;
* do not move the toothbrush too vigorously, instead it is better to spend time on each tooth before moving on;
* floss before brushing;
* do not rinse your mouth before brushing;
* avoid using fluoride toothpaste;
* do not press too hard on the teeth ;
* the procedure should take about two minutes.

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Author: alex

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