Experts named the top 3 hazardous products that provoke the formation of blood clots

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Profile experts have called the top 3 hazardous products that provoke blood clots. According to experts, the diet has the greatest effect on the formation of lifetime blood clots in the blood vessels. You can avoid the formation of blood clots by looking at the diet. Experts have studied the composition of several dozen foods for the presence of dangerous components and identified the top 3 of the most harmful, which provoke the formation of blood clots.

the leader of the rating was liver, pork and beef. This product contains a huge amount of cholesterol and vitamins of group K, which directly affects blood clotting. Margarine was in the second place of the list. Trans-fats that are composed of thickening blood, worsen its patency and load the valves of the vessels.

closes the list of smoked sausage. It has a lot of harmful cholesterol, which is collected on the walls of the vessels. Initially, plaques are formed from it, which, in turn, become blood clots. Experts recommend replacing dangerous products with chicken and beef meat. Instead of margarine, enter butter into the diet, as well as add vegetables, fruits and natural juices.

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Author: alex

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