Experts named the worst products for arthritis

Dietary changes for arthritis can help protect against painful symptoms, including pain in the joints, inflammation and limitation of movements. However, some popular products, on the contrary, increase the risk of pain. Experts have told which products should be avoided to avoid unpleasant sensations in the joints.

According to the information, people with arthritis should give up white bread in the morning. This is because white bread contains refined carbohydrates, which can worsen symptoms.

“Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, and potato chips, promote the production of oxidants with enhanced glycosylation. They can stimulate inflammation in the body,” experts say.

In addition, arthritis patients should also avoid consuming too many processed sugars. The fact is that they cause the release of cytokines in the body, which also increase inflammation.

A large amount of processed sugar is found in carbonated drinks, flavored coffee, fruit juice and even in some sweetened teas.

It is also important to avoid eating too much saturated fat, which can cause inflammation of adipose tissue.

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Author: alex

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