Experts presented 9 products to improve memory

Professional experts presented the top of the best products that contribute to the improvement memory The list included 9 items.

Olive oil was the leader of the rating. Scientists have confirmed that this ingredient not only improves memory, it increases the ability to learn, and also prevents the appearance of vascular plaques. The oil contains compounds that slow down the aging process of brain cells. Doctors recommend adding 2 teaspoons of the product to a salad every day. When frying, the oil loses its useful properties.

Next come chicken eggs. This product contains choline, which promotes the formation of new cells, as well as vitamins B6, B9, B12 and D, which perfectly clean the walls of blood vessels and strengthen the nervous system. No more than 6 eggs should be consumed per week.

Pumpkin seeds were on the third line of the rating. They contain a large amount of zinc, which contributes to better perception and assimilation of information. Pumpkin seeds also contain tryptophan, magnesium, vitamins B1 and K. Among other things, they help reduce stress. The fourth place went to beetroot juice, which removes toxins and improves the flow of oxygen to the brain. You should drink 2 glasses of this drink a day.

Broccoli is next. Substances contained in vegetables improve memory and perception of verbal information. Turmeric was in sixth place. This famous spice improves blood circulation, which promotes the flow of oxygen to the brain.

Scientists say that the spice is a preventive measure against Alzheimer's disease, but its use should be limited. Seventh place in black beans. Substances present in this product prevent the aging of brain cells.

Spinach is on the eighth step. This plant improves visual memory. Walnuts close the rating. They contain a huge amount of useful substances that contribute to the regeneration of the cells of the main organ of the central nervous system, which is especially important for preserving memory. In addition, walnuts protect arteries and help reduce blood pressure. It is recommended to consume 30 grams of this delicious product per day.

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Author: alex

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