Experts reveal which foods are harmful to brain health
Experts from the online publication Bazaar told which products are better to consume minimally, or to refuse to consume them at all, because they are harmful to brain health.
Sugar substitute Aspartame
If you have never heard this name before, this does not mean that you have nothing to be afraid of. Aspartame is one of the most common sugar substitutes, which is actively used in the production of diet products – low-calorie yogurts, desserts, carbonated drinks labeled sugar free, chewing gum, cough syrups and even some multivitamins. It is very sweet and contains almost no calories, which is why manufacturers of weight loss products love it. However, aspartame can cause much more harm to the body than a few extra pounds. The substance increases the level of phenylalanine and aspartic acid – compounds that can inhibit the neurotransmitters, dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin – the main regulators of neurophysiological activity.
White flour products
When white flour is produced, the nutrient-rich bran and germ, which contain dietary fiber, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, and vitamin E, are removed. Only the starchy endosperm remains, which extends the shelf life of the grain. Processed flour has a much higher glycemic index, meaning it rapidly raises blood sugar levels, which impairs brain function and increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Fried food
Of course, we often avoid fast food and other fried foods to avoid gaining weight. However, if a couple of extra hours spent in the gym can save you from excess weight, then unfortunately, sports cannot cope with the damage that fried food does to the brain. Regular consumption of fried foods can lead to high cholesterol and serious heart and vascular problems, and vascular health is directly linked to brain health.
Low-fiber foods
While low-fiber foods may not be as bad for your brain as those listed above, they still aren't the healthiest choices. High-fiber foods slow down the digestion of the food you eat, which leads to a lower insulin response in the body, which reduces oxidative stress and the risk of diabetes and chronic heart and brain diseases.
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