Experts revealed the secret of the slimness of the Japanese
Experts have learned what the secret of beauty and harmony of Japanese is. It turns out that for the beautiful appearance and well -being of a girl from the country of ascending sun, they look after the skin and eat properly, in particular, in their diet there are no sweets containing sugar and chemical additives.
Breakfast is considered to be the main meal of food in the Japanese. It includes many healthy dishes. Each of them, served on a small plate, respectively, the portions are small. After eating, you can drink a cup of green tea. In it, experts have found Catechin EGCG, which supports healthy arteries, which reduces the number of bad cholesterol in the blood and protects against oncology. This drink needs to drink up to 750 ml per day.
The most popular soup in Japan is Miso. Its components are different depending on the region and season. However, the local Dashi broth and soy beans, rice or miso wheat are permanent ingredients. According to scientists from the National Oncology Center, this soup reduces the possibility of developing breast cancer. Before this, a useful cereal that plays in the diet of the inhabitants of the rising sun is a major role, soaked overnight in water or steamed without adding oil and seasonings.
According to statistics, the Japanese, although 2% of the population, consume about 10% of the whole fish in the world. This product, along with other sea gifts, is present on a Japanese table daily, which prevents many ailments, such as obesity and inflammatory processes in the body. It helps to strengthen muscle mass and maintain a human figure. As a dessert, the Japanese stop on fresh berries and fruits. They even learned how to make rice ice cream – Mooha. And the main secret of longevity, according to the inhabitants of the country of ascending sun, is to accept thermal baths. This is considered the best method of combating a variety of ailments.
except for a slender figure in Japanese beautiful skin. To maintain beauty and youth, they carefully clean the skin and use a variety of masks every day, while in Europe, beautiful sexes come to them 1-2 times a week.
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