Experts shared simple ways to prevent varicose veins

Unsightly changes in the blood vessels on the legs cause problems for many people. It seems that this is purely a genetic predisposition, but there are measures that can prevent varicose veins and the formation of vascular stars. It is impossible to avoid them completely, but it is possible to delay their occurrence and reduce their scale.

In most cases, varicose veins are caused by congenital weakness of the connective tissue. This means that the walls of the veins literally wear out with the flow of life. The legs are especially affected, because here the blood must be pumped to the heart, fighting the force of gravity.

If the vein walls become too elastic, blood accumulates in some places and varicose veins or vascular stars develop. Prevention is also important because varicose veins can lead to complications in the later stages: from pain to swollen legs and dangerous blood clots or ulcers.

Risk groups

Prevention of varicose veins and vascular stars is especially important if a person belongs to one of the risk groups. Most often, varicose veins are inherited. Women suffer from them more often than men. The tendency to develop varicose veins and vascular stars increases during pregnancy. Because then the hormone progesterone relaxes the muscles and connective tissue in preparation for childbirth, which also affects the health of the veins.

In people who work mainly standing or sitting, the risk of blood pooling in the veins of the legs increases. Those who are overweight are also at risk. A large body mass exerts a strong pressure on blood vessels. This can be prevented by watching your weight. In addition, connective tissue becomes looser with age. Therefore, elderly people suffer from weak veins more often than young people.


To prevent varicose veins and the formation of vascular stars, it is important, first of all, to move a lot. Best of all, regular exercise will strengthen the connective tissue. You should choose jogging or walking, as well as other sports with intense leg movements, such as badminton.

If possible, you should avoid sitting or standing for a long time. In the office, it will be useful to take a few steps regularly. It is better to use stairs instead of elevators and escalators. Climbing stairs can also help prevent varicose veins.


If you have to stand or sit a lot at work, a few simple gymnastic exercises can protect your veins:

  • sitting: raise your legs and rotate both feet alternately inward and outward. Or lift your legs and pull them towards you several times before straightening them again;
  • standing: stand on your tiptoes a few times, then go down to the whole foot, and so several times;
  • after sitting or standing for a long time, you need to raise your legs.

These exercises are also suitable as prevention of thrombosis during long trips. They can be done on a bus or plane.


High-heeled shoes with a tendency to varicose veins should be worn only on special occasions, for every day you should choose flat-soled shoes. It is useful to walk barefoot on soft surfaces, ideally on the sand near the sea.

It is important to remember that varicose veins can only be partially prevented, but it is impossible to completely get rid of them. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a vein specialist at the first appearance of varicose veins for treatment.

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Author: alex

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