Experts talked about a useful alternative to products that increase cholesterol
High cholesterol can lead to blockage of arteries. This, in turn, threatens with an increase in blood pressure and the fact that the heart muscle will not receive a sufficient amount of blood. As a result, a person may have a heart attack.
The main cause of high cholesterol is eating foods rich in saturated fat. To avoid heart problems caused by high cholesterol, you need to limit your intake of certain foods.
These include:
- milk and white chocolate;
- bakery and pies;
- cakes, puddings and biscuits;
- fatty meat;
- sausages and bacon;
- butter and margarine;
- fat;
- coconut and palm oils;
- dairy products with a high percentage of fat: cream, milk, yogurt, cheese.
Experts recommend replacing these products with other products that contain more unsaturated fats. These include:
- olive, canola and sunflower oils;
- lean chicken or turkey;
- legumes and nuts;
- low-fat dairy products;
- hummus and vegetable sticks;
- dried fruits;
- dark chocolate.
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