Experts talked about the benefits of peanuts for the human body
Peanuts are rich in all kinds of vitamins and the product contains enough of them to meet the body's daily needs. Experts told what exactly makes peanuts, which people are used to eating roasted, so useful.
According to experts, roasted peanuts contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and sodium, as well as B vitamins, PP and ascorbic acid.
The presence of these important components has the following effect: it increases the stability of the nervous system, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, stimulates the process of bile formation, improves memory and the functions of the reproductive organs, normalizes the work of the heart and hearing apparatus, and also accelerates the process of hematopoiesis.
Nutritionists recommend eating 20 g of nuts per day to support the work of the whole body.
Peanuts also have harmful properties, so people should avoid them , who have an intolerance to the product. In some cases, the nut can increase the number of blood clots, contributes to the development of gout and arthrosis, and also leads to gaining extra pounds.
It is not recommended to eat peanuts for children who have not reached the age of 3. If you use the product in moderation, there will be no negative consequences.
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