Experts tell us how to use mint in self-care and cooking
The healing properties of mint were known since the time of Avicenna. Modern doctors appreciate mint for its large amount of phytoncides – substances that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Fresh mint is harvested from April to September, but dried mint leaves, mint oil, and tinctures can be found on pharmacy shelves all year round.
Where to plant in the country
Mint needs sun. It develops very poorly on heavy soils. Already in the 3rd year after planting, it begins to reduce yield, then mint needs to be transplanted. If it is not possible to transplant mint in the 4th year, compost and mineral fertilizers are applied to the site. Peppermint practically does not produce seeds. Mint is planted in the spring with seedlings and rhizomes. So now is the time to arrange a “bed” with mint.
Menthol contained in essential oil is isolated from mint. This essential oil is especially rich in leaves at the beginning of flowering. Peppermint preparations are used for spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and liver diseases. Mint infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of peppermint per 1 cup of boiling water, infuse for 1-1.5 hours. Take 0.3-0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals as a choleretic drug that increases appetite.
Mint leaves contain a lot of menthol, so mint tinctures and essential oil are used as a local pain reliever means. When applied to the skin, menthol irritates nerve endings, causing a feeling of cold. In this, the surface vessels narrow, and the vessels of the internal organs reflexively expand. Thanks to this property, mint can be used to relieve spasms.
In cosmetics
This plant is used in the form of a concentrated infusion for lotions and washes for skin irritations, as well as for rinsing hair and as a component of shampoos.
Baths with mint infusion not only cleanse and restore the skin, but also lift the mood. Mashed mint leaves are applied to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Thus, dark circles under the eyes are reduced or completely removed.
Face lotion: take 5 fresh mint leaves for 50 ml of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. Then remove the leaves and add the juice squeezed from one cucumber. Cool and ready to use. Store in the refrigerator for 5 days. Such a lotion is suitable for any type of skin. Cleanses, accelerates cell renewal and protects against ultraviolet rays, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
In cooking
Mint is most often used in the preparation of sweet products and various drinks. The leaves are also eaten as salad greens, in addition, they are put in stewed lamb dishes and some vegetable dishes. Mint is added when canning and pickling vegetables and fruits.
Mint sauce. For 50 ml of boiling water, take 5 fresh and 1 tsp. of dried mint leaves, brew with boiling water, adding a little citric acid, close tightly with a lid, infuse, covered with a towel, for half an hour. Strain and cool, gradually stirring thoroughly, add mint water to mayonnaise (for 1/4 cup of infusion you will need about a pack of mayonnaise). Serve with cold meat, especially lamb.
Mint gingerbread cookies. Dissolve 350 g of sugar in a glass of hot water. Cool the resulting syrup to room temperature, add baking powder, 1 tbsp. spoon of oil, 1 tsp. spoon of mint tincture. Mix everything well and quickly mix with flour (you need 600 g of flour). Stretch a 2 cm diameter rope from the dough, cut into pieces (40 pieces) and form the dough into balls. Place the products on a baking sheet greased with oil, dry slightly and bake in the oven at 170-180 °, preventing browning.
Mint tincture is easy to make with regular vodka – you can infuse both dry and fresh mint.
Mint lemonade. Wash 2 lemons and scald them with boiling water. Thinly slice the zest (without the white pulp) with a sharp knife and put in a saucepan. Pour in 2 liters of water (it should not reach the edges, otherwise the lemonade will “run away” when you pour the juice into the boiling water), add 100 g of sugar and put on the fire. Squeeze the juice from the lemons. Pour it into the boiling water and add 10 fresh mint leaves. Immediately turn off the heat, cover and let it brew for 10 minutes. You can increase or decrease the amount of citrus fruits to taste, use lime or orange, replace sugar with honey, add cinnamon, cloves.
By the way, the Romans believed that the aroma of mint improves mental activity. They sprayed rooms with mint water and rubbed tables during festive feasts – it was believed that the aroma of mint creates a cheerful mood in guests and prevents excessive wine consumption.
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