Experts tell you how to choose the tastiest cherries
It seems that there could be nothing easier than buying cherries at the market. These berries do not spoil as much as strawberries, and are sweeter by default. But the reality is that you can buy tasteless cherries. Let's tell you what to look for when choosing berries at the market or store.
Cherries contain vitamins E and P, antioxidants, ascorbic acid and other useful trace elements. In addition, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is considered an elixir of youth and has almost no contraindications.
How to choose a cherry
In May, a real fruit and berry invasion begins in the markets, but gardeners do not advise rushing, even if you really want to. In June, the same berries and fruits will cost 2 times cheaper, and will turn out to be tastier.
The indicator of the quality of a cherry is its tails, and scientifically – the stalk. The branch should be green and elastic. If the tails are dry and brown, then most likely the cherry was stored for a long time or is already overripe.
After that, you can pay attention to the berries themselves. If there are dents, abrasions and other damage on it, as well as if the berries are soft, then most likely the seller did not comply with the storage conditions.
Tasty and fresh berries should be dry, dense, but not too hard and necessarily shiny.
The richer and darker the color of the berries, the richer their taste, and therefore the more useful they are.
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