Experts tell you how to stay slim after 40
Experts gave recommendations, telling how to stay slim after 40 years. If you control your weight and monitor your health, you can prevent many diseases and extend your longevity.
First of all, experts advise weighing yourself regularly to know how your body weight is changing. To do this, it is enough to get on the scales once a week. It is best to do this in the morning after a shower and a trip to the toilet.
Then the readings will be relatively accurate and stable. By studying their changes, a person can adjust their lifestyle. If your weight has started to increase, you should review your diet or start leading a more active lifestyle to burn more calories than you consume.
In addition, if body weight suddenly begins to decrease rapidly, a person will be able to detect it in a timely manner and consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate a serious illness.
To stay slim after 40 years, you need to sign up for swimming. Even those who do not like water procedures should regularly go to the pool. During these classes, all muscle groups are trained simultaneously, which leads to rapid calorie burning. In addition, being in the water tones the body. Experts also remind that swimming is the safest type of training.
Even those with injuries, arthritis and disabilities can do it, as the liquid provides additional resistance, helping the muscles to work with less load. This is much more useful than fast walking or running, during which the joints and bones are loaded.
Speaking of sports, experts advise paying attention to strength exercises, such as lifting weights and push-ups. This helps strengthen the cardiovascular system. It is important not only to exercise, but also to do it regularly, constantly repeating the exercises to build muscle mass. It helps burn excess fat later.
You should also start doing yoga. In the first stages, you can choose simple exercises that do not require body flexibility. People who engage in these practices generally improve their well-being over time, as their nervous system strengthens and they find general spiritual peace.
In addition, a passion for yoga often leads to the fact that citizens begin to eat healthy food, as well as give up alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
In addition, even without playing sports, you can keep your body weight normal. To do this, you need to lead a more active lifestyle. To lose weight, you need to walk regularly in the fresh air.
If you don't have time for this, you can get off public transport one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way. Experts advise not to take the elevator, and when talking on the phone, don't sit still, but walk around the room.
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