Experts tell you how to wash your hands properly
Experts from the Royal College of Nursing, UK, told how to wash your hands properly to minimize the risks of spreading bacteria. The recommendation is that you should start the hygiene procedure with moisturizing.
According to experts, wash your hands after using the toilet or changing a tampon or diaper, before cooking, after handling raw meat, and before eating.
It is easy to pick up bacteria and viruses on public transport, so after returning home, the first thing you should do is follow the rules of hygiene.
At the initial stage, you need to wet your hands; if you skip the moisturizing recommendation, the solid product will act as an irritant, which will not allow you to create a protective coating.
The next step is to rub your palms together, followed by interlacing your fingers. Rubbing your hands helps remove bacteria and create a foam that traps contaminants.
After lathering, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly under running water, drying thoroughly, not forgetting the spaces between your fingers.
When using paper towels, you do not need to lift the lid of the trash can after that. If a person is in a public toilet, you should not touch the handle of the room when leaving.
As for products made of moisture-absorbing materials, the best solution is to change them 2 times a week. This minimizes the risk of bacteria spreading in a humid environment.
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