Experts told about the damage of pork meat
experts believe that pig meat is very It is badly reflected in human health. Doctors believe that there are five reasons for refusing to eat pork.
According to nutritionists, pork is, first and foremost, health problems. First of all, pig meat can lead to additional pounds and, as a result, to obesity.
Experts also resemble the content of histamine pork that can cause allergies. This meat can provoke boils, appendicitis, dermatitis and cholecystitis. This, experts note, can be a problem-in first of all, stroke can develop.
Experts also note that pigs get sick in the same way as humans, and they can have diseases that can harm a person. However, pork is considered to be a favorite meat for Ukrainian residents, both in quality and price. In pigs, there are usually many parasites that can go with meat and to humans.
This parasite causes headaches, vomiting and fever. Getting rid of this parasite can only occur with careful treatment.
also in pork meat is a so -called growth hormone that promotes weight gain or increases the risk of malignant tumors.
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