Experts told how coffee affects immunity

If you type the words “coffee is good” and “coffee is harmful” into the search engine, the number of results will be approximately the same. On the one hand, coffee beans are rich in unique antioxidants that help fight heart disease, Parkinson's disease, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancer.

On the other hand, this drink disrupts sleep. , increases the acidity of gastric juice, interferes with the assimilation of some important vitamins and can lead to dehydration of the body. But the most important question that worries all of us in the era of the pandemic is, of course, the effect of coffee on immunity. Does coffee help us cope with illness or vice versa, does it increase our vulnerability to the virus? Let's try to figure it out.

Coffee and “colds” – what is the connection

If you have already contracted a viral infection – a relatively innocent “cold” or a more dangerous disease – you should give up coffee and even tea. First, caffeine really contributes to dehydration, which makes it even more difficult for the body to cope with the virus. Secondly, many of us drink coffee with sugar, and during illness it is better to give up sweets altogether, because sugar suppresses the immune system. Finally, the stimulating effect of caffeine does not allow us to rest properly, which is critical for a quick and complete recovery.

How coffee affects the immune system

One of the main properties of caffeine is to increase the hormone cortisol. It is this “stress” hormone that our body produces throughout the day, it helps us stay cheerful and energetic. But an excess, especially chronic, of this hormone is dangerous for our health.

Studies have confirmed the link between persistently elevated cortisol and a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other diseases. In addition, elevated cortisol suppresses the immune system and we become more vulnerable to various diseases.

Another undesirable property of coffee is the ability to block vitamin C, which is known to be especially important for fighting viruses.

So, it turns out that coffee weakens our immunity? Not quite so: if you drink coffee correctly, it will not only not weaken, but also strengthen our resistance to diseases.

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How to drink coffee correctly to get less sick

There are several rules that all coffee lovers should follow so that the drink brings not only pleasure, but also benefits.

  • First, drink every cup of coffee with a glass of water – this way you will maintain the water balance and protect yourself from dehydration.
  • Secondly , try to drink coffee without sugar and desserts, especially if you feel sick.
  • Thirdly, drink your last cup of coffee six hours before going to bed: caffeine takes a long time to be excreted from the body, and until it is excreted, it provokes the production of cortisol.
  • Fourth, arrange caffeine-free days: small breaks restore tolerance to caffeine and allow you to get by with a smaller dose.

And most importantly, try to savor each cup and even every sip is conscious: because the happier and better we feel, the higher our natural protection!

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Author: alex

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