Experts told how to fall asleep quickly if you woke up in the middle of the night

Our body is unpredictable and can wake up at any time of the night for various reasons. In the summer, this is most often explained by high air temperature and early dawn, but sometimes there are other motives: anxiety, stress, overeating. Our selection includes 4 effective methods that allow you to fall asleep in just a few minutes.

Avoid brain stimulation

Do not start planning your day, think about work or studies and, of course, for any circumstances do not pick up a smartphone. Try to stay in bed and, for example, play in your mind a part of a movie or book that you recently managed to get acquainted with, or use a well-known method: count sheep.

Use a relaxing sleep spray

Such a spray, such as lavender, should be sprayed on the pillow. Its formula continuously releases its therapeutic aroma throughout the night, making it easier to fall asleep and in some cases even prevent unplanned awakenings.

Try guided meditation

When people wake up in the middle of the night, they often disturbing thoughts that they cannot sleep. Due to the flow of negative thoughts, the mind will not sleep, even if the body is exhausted. In such a situation, it is worth distracting attention from stress by focusing on breathing, and as a last resort, still reach for the phone and turn on relaxing music.

Use a sleep mask and earplugs

This the method is suitable for those whose reason for waking up regularly is the morning light that shines through even thick curtains, or the noise coming from neighbors and from the street. And remember that it is advisable to choose a mask made of natural materials, as it is much more breathable.

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Author: alex

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