Experts told what harm diets can do

It is known that many people go on diets to get rid of extra pounds, but people often do not consider that such actions can be dangerous. Experts told what damage the body can get due to improper or prolonged fasting.

There are many diets in the world. As a rule, all of them are effective and allow you to achieve the desired result in 2-3 weeks, but along with weight loss, a person can get rid of important components. As a rule, diets are based on the use of some product, which is eaten with some additives. At the same time, a lot is temporarily excluded from the diet. Experts note that this can be harmful to health, as the body begins to lack vitamins and minerals.

It should be noted that fasting implies not only the transition to a mono-product, but also the reduction of portions, which is why the replenishment of important elements is reduced to a minimum, but their consumption increases, as the body begins to rapidly consume resources. 2-3 days in this mode are safe, but a longer period can lead to deterioration of well-being.

As a result, people's sleep is disturbed and their mood deteriorates. This happens due to lack of magnesium. A person can become depressed and feel anxious. After that, irritability can be traced in her behavior, and in this state it is even more difficult to follow a diet. To avoid this, when starting to lose weight, you need to consult a doctor. As a rule, the solution is a vitamin complex.

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Author: alex

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