Experts told what temperature the water in the shower should be
After a long, saturated day, it is difficult to imagine anything more comforting than a hot shower that will help you relax and get rid of all your fatigue. However, extreme temperatures can cause more harm than good to the skin.
Hot steam helps to open the pores – it is certainly useful for cleansing, but hot water can cause significant problems due to the effect on the outer layer of the skin. The epidermis is filled with sebaceous glands responsible not only for moisturizing the body, but also for protecting it from external irritants.
The heat from hot water together with soap helps to soften the skin, gradually removing its natural fatty protective barriers. As a result, the skin can become dry and irritated, and itching will appear. A shower that is too hot and too long will greatly affect the health of the skin. However, how high a temperature is undesirable?
How to understand that it is worth lowering the degree
In fact, everything is simple. According to many doctors, if the skin turns red, it means that the water temperature is too high. At the same time, warm water remains optimal, while cool water can increase mental activity and help wake up in the morning. In addition, a cool shower is better for hair, skin and overall hydration.
If the water is cool, the blood will flow more efficiently, saturating the body with nutrients and oxygen. Provided that the cells are sufficiently nourished and the necessary level of oxygen is obtained, the skin will look more radiant.
How long can you take a shower
Not only the temperature of the water, but also the time spent in the shower affects the external skin type Staying in the shower for too long can seriously dry out your skin, even though it feels relaxing and refreshing. No more than 10 minutes under the shower is considered optimal, in this case the body will not lose so much moisture.
If you prefer to stay “under water” for a long time, it is important to take care of protection. Apply oil or lotion to damp skin – this will help retain moisture and prevent unwanted dryness.
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