Experts told whether it is worth eating oatmeal every day

For some, oatmeal is a favorite option for breakfast , for others it is the most hated product in the world. But if you omit its taste qualities, there is also a lot of controversy about the benefits of oatmeal. This cereal is rich in carbohydrates, which is why many are afraid of it, because they consider oatmeal a sure way to gain weight. Below, experts from the Baazar publication explained the benefits of this cereal and how to add it to the diet without harming the figure.


Any nutritionist will tell you about the beneficial properties of oatmeal. Cereal is characterized by a high content of slow carbohydrates and fiber, which makes it an ideal option for breakfast: energy and a feeling of satiety will not be exhausted for at least half a day, saving you from the need for a snack. In addition, oatmeal is quite high in protein, vitamins, and minerals (such as manganese, magnesium, zinc, and several B vitamins). These elements both saturate the body with everything it needs and contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Does oatmeal contribute to weight gain? This question worries many people. Only a calorie surplus contributes to weight gain – when you eat more than you expend, and excess energy accumulates in the body in the form of fat deposits. By itself, oats are not a very high-calorie product, but there are pitfalls here too. Few people eat oatmeal cooked in water in its pure form. You immediately want to put honey, sugar, jam, chocolate in the porridge – the list of additives is endless, as is their calorie content. If you use fruits or berries as a sweetener, the risk of gaining weight from such a breakfast is dramatically reduced. Due to the high fiber content, oats quickly give a feeling of satiety, and then are digested for a long time, preventing hunger, so that, on the contrary, it makes it possible to lose weight. The main thing is to control how much you eat (this applies not only to oatmeal, but also to all products in principle). An average portion – 30 g of dry oats – after cooking will turn into a full plate of porridge, and this will be quite enough for one meal.

In addition, oats contribute to the production of serotonin – the hormone of happiness, so a plate of oatmeal on a gray winter morning will provide not only nutrition for your body, but also a good mood for you.

However, not all oatmeal is equally useful. In order to save time, many people buy instant oatmeal in portioned bags. First, such a product is subjected to multi-stage processing, which destroys the fiber and useful substances in the composition. Second, they tend to contain flavorings, preservatives, and a lot of added sugar. Nutritionists do not recommend using such porridge, because the benefit from it is minimal, but the possibility of gaining weight increases.

What to do if there is not enough time to prepare porridge in the morning? “Lazy oatmeal” is a perfect rescue. In the evening, mix oatmeal with yogurt or vegetable milk, add fruit, berries or nuts and refrigerate overnight. The ingredients can be mixed or layered like a parfait. In the morning, you will have a delicious and healthy breakfast, the preparation of which will not require you to spend a single second.

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Author: alex

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