Experts told why a plum drops green fruits: what to do

Not always a plum that blooms profusely gives a good harvest. Often, some of the fruits fall off while they are still green. What is the problem, let's understand the details.


The reasons are different. The tree may lack moisture, nutrients, or be affected by disease or pests. Spring frosts are another reason.

If a plum lacks such substances as: zinc, potassium and phosphorus, it will drop green fruits. In the spring, it is necessary to feed plums with urea, 120 g of powder per 10 liters of water. And in June, you can fertilize with organic matter. It is necessary to take 1/4 manure per 10 liters of water.

It is better to apply nitrogen fertilizers in the spring. Water the plum up to 6 times per season, especially if the summer is dry. Experienced gardeners advise watering 20 days before harvesting, so that the fruits are juicy.

Boric acid can drive away ants from plums. To do this, take 2 g of boric acid, dissolve in 1 liter of water and sprinkle the tree.

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Author: alex

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