Experts told why it is dangerous to eat only once a day

Most people eat three meals a day, but some mistakenly believe that one meal is enough. Many people eat this way in order to lose weight, but experts say that this can lead to serious problems.

The main danger of such a diet is that the body does not receive enough useful nutrients from food. I interviewed experts in the field of nutrition and found out what other factors are not in favor of one meal a day.


One meal a day Over time, it can lead to overeating, as the body lacks energy and various elements. In addition, after a long feeling of hunger, people begin to exceed the norm of calories in a single meal, so the weight does not go away, but, on the contrary, only increases.

Slow metabolism

< p>If a person does not eat for a long time, the metabolism slows down in order to retain energy in the body. And without a full-fledged metabolism, the weight will not go away.

The body goes into “starvation mode”

If a person eats once a day, his body switches to “starvation mode”. As a result, the body will store everything that a person consumes, turning it into fat to provide the body with “fuel”.

The body begins to “shut down”

Along with a slowdown in metabolism and an increased feeling of hunger, the blood sugar level in the body drops. This leads to weakness, exhaustion, hair loss, cold intolerance, and heart problems.

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Author: alex

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