Experts told why men's feet sweat
People often sweat body parts, including including the legs, and this is a natural process, but in men it is accompanied by a sharp smell. Experts explained why this happens and named ways to combat this phenomenon.
It is known that a strong smell is not meant when sweating, but due to various circumstances, it manifests itself. This is especially characteristic of men, since toxins are excreted with sweat, and the hormone testosterone enhances this effect, increasing the unpleasant smell. However, external factors can significantly affect the condition of the feet.
First of all, it is a lack of hygiene. Synthetic socks and low-quality, cheap shoes often increase the smell. The intensity of physical activity should also be taken into account. Even stress can provoke physiological changes, not to mention ailments.
Fungus is the most common disease of the feet, but the smell can change with SARS, and if there are no obvious diseases, and the aroma causes severe discomfort, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that it indicates a disorder in the body that has not yet made itself felt.
Experts note that in order for the smell not to manifest itself, you must first identify its cause and influence it. Sometimes the result comes quickly, but more often you have to go to a dermatologist and buy aerosols and special drugs. Folk medicine is also applicable, for example, baths.
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