Experts told why mountain air helps people live longer

Experts told about the beneficial effect of mountain air on human health and longevity. Rest in the mountains can help strengthen the immune system and get rid of excess weight.

The main feature of the mountains is the lack of oxygen. At a high altitude, a person feels the low density of the air and the content of the substance in it, which is necessary for breathing. If you climb a high mountain, it can negatively affect your health. At the same time, staying at medium altitudes has a positive effect on the body. Experts advise to climb 1200-1500 m above sea level to improve well-being.

A person experiences mild hypoxia when the oxygen levels in the air decrease. In this case, the body uses available resources to saturate the blood. He breathes deeply and actively, and the heart and vascular system functions more diligently. These actions strengthen the lungs and heart muscle, which reduces the risk of developing diseases.

Hard work provokes the burning of excess fat, because the organs spend a lot of energy to perform basic functions. There are many ions in the mountain air and it is much cleaner. This was confirmed by the microbiologist Louis Pasteur, who studied the number of bacteria per cubic meter.

It turned out that there are 4-5 microorganisms in the mountains. In the city, this concentration is much higher – 3-17 thousand. Mountain air does not contain dust and allergens, and the number of ions reaches 2 thousand. For example, in a poorly ventilated room, this level is 10-30.

In the mountains increased level of solar ultraviolet. It effectively disinfects the environment from bacteria. People who stay in the mountains for several weeks note an improvement in the condition of their skin. There are also unpleasant consequences. Solar activity in the mountains is much higher than on the beaches of the seas and oceans. Experts recommend using sunscreen, glasses and a hat.

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Author: alex

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