Experts told why you should drink green tea

This drink came to us from ancient China, where it was discovered several centuries ago. It still does not lose its relevance: it is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, in some countries it is added to food and, of course, cheers up thousands of people around the world thanks to its delicate aroma and taste. Why is green tea so popular? Today, experts from the Baazar publication answered this question, sharing with you the beneficial properties of a healing elixir for the body.

For the mind

Green tea is an excellent source of caffeine, which has a mild effect on cardiovascular system and, as a result, does not cause tachycardia or tremors of the limbs (which coffee cannot boast of). It is also rich in the amino acid L-theanine, which is responsible for relaxation, feelings of happiness and reduction of anxiety. And most importantly, it prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

For the body

First, the green drink accelerates metabolism, fat burning and energy production. And secondly, the high level of polyphenols in weakly fermented tea has an anti-inflammatory effect, slows down aging, strengthens immunity, and also prevents cancer.

For beauty

1-2 cups of green tea in day can accelerate water exchange in the body, which will have a positive effect on your skin: it will become moisturized, smooth, and rashes will disappear. Do not forget about vitamins B and E in the composition of the drink, which accelerate the production of collagen, reduce wrinkles, and also slow down the signs of aging.

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Author: alex

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