Exploitation of animals. When and how can the owners of horses that earn money from entertainment in parks be punished

Using animals under conditions of excessive physiological stress is prohibited by the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Animals from Cruelty”.

On what types of activities are covered by the law

In general, the law on animal protection applies to the following types of activities:

  • cattle breeding (including breeding cattle breeding)
  • treatment of animals on the territory of state nature reserves and other specially protected natural territories
  • hunting, game farming, fishing
  • keeping domestic animals and breeding work with them
  • use of animals in circuses, zoos, exhibitions and other spectacular events
  • use of animals in sports, recreation and entertainment for people
  • use of animals for research and educational purposes, in testing
  • the use of animals in production (including in the production of biological drugs)
  • other types of activities (where animals are affected)

According to the document, the law applies to handling with animals, regardless of the form of ownership and other property rights to them.

For what and how can horse owners be punished

The lawyer explained that the use of animals in the heat to ride children (or adults) and conduct entertainment activities can be considered as the use of animals in conditions of excessive physiological stress (which is prohibited by law).

Therefore, such actions can be qualified as cruel treatment of animals.

This entails the imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of UAH 3,400 to UAH 5,100 – with confiscation of the animal (if its stay with the owner poses a threat to its life or health).

Basic principles of animal protection in Ukraine

According to Article 4 of the law, the treatment of animals in Ukraine is based on the following basic principles:

  • cruel treatment of animals is incompatible with the requirements of morality and humanity (because it causes moral harm to a person)
  • providing living conditions for animals that correspond to their biological, species and individual characteristics
  • property rights and other property rights to animals in case of cruel treatment of them can be terminated (according to this law)
  • prohibition of cruel methods of killing animals
  • responsibility for cruel treatment of animals
  • < li>maintenance and treatment of domestic animals without the purpose of harming both others and the animal itself

In addition, Article 5 of the document prohibits:

  • propaganda of cruel treatment of animals
  • calls for cruel treatment of them
  • propagation of hunting in the system of preschool, general secondary, vocational and higher education
  • use in entertainment or commercial for the purpose of materials showing cruelty to animals

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Author: alex

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