Falling asleep with the TV on is deadly
The habit of falling asleep with the TV on can bring an early death closer, study shows . This is the conclusion reached by scientists from Northwestern University.
In this, the researchers urge people to avoid or minimize any amount of artificial light while sleeping. Most often, if people sleep with artificial lighting in the room, they have the problem of insulin resistance. It occurs when cells in the muscles, fat, or liver do not respond to the hormone insulin. This problem is most often associated with the development of hypertension, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
The study revealed the fundamental mechanisms underlying insulin resistance. 17.8% of study participants who slept with the lights on at night suffered from diabetes. In the group of those who preferred complete darkness, there were only 9.8%. At the same time, in the first group, more than 40% of participants were obese, and in the second, sleeping in the dark, only 26.7%.
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