Fatty fish linked to increased risk of premature death
Substances contained in fatty fish, meat and dairy products increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
A study by American scientists was published in the Network Open journal today, which concluded that excessive consumption of fatty fish, meat and dairy products is associated with an increased risk of premature death.
Scientists have been monitoring the diets of people over 70 for a long time. In total, about a thousand people took part in the experiment. It turned out that people who had high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls were 50% more likely to die prematurely, mainly from cardiovascular diseases, than those who had low levels of these substances.
As experts said, polychlorinated biphenyls are found in fatty fish, meat and dairy products. But this does not mean that you should give up eating these products – it's just a matter of knowing the measure. That is, adhering to the principles of a balanced diet. In this case, all these products will only bring benefits and will not increase the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.
The scientists also noted that in their work they took into account only the diet of the experiment participants, and now they are going to process the data taking into account other factors that affect the development of heart and vascular diseases.
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