Fatty liver disease: 5 symptoms of the condition

The liver performs many functions in the body, including producing bile, converting nutrients into energy and removal of toxins and bacteria from the blood. With diseases of the organ, the work of the whole body is disturbed, which can lead to serious consequences. Fat disease (steatosis) is considered the most common liver disease.

This condition occurs due to the accumulation of too much fat in the liver. As doctors from the Cleveland Clinic explained, the disease becomes a problem when the amount of fat reaches 5-10% of the body's weight. Usually, people with fatty liver have no symptoms until it progresses to cirrhosis. However, in the early stages, several unusual signs may appear, which include:

  • swelling of the abdomen and legs;
  • nausea, loss of appetite or weight;
  • jaundice;
  • extreme fatigue;
  • constant weakness.

Cause of fatty liver disease

According to doctors, there are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease. These include obesity or overweight, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and taking certain medications.


Currently, there are no special medications for treatment of fatty liver disease. Instead, doctors recommend controlling the factors that contribute to the condition. In particular, they advise you to change your lifestyle, stop drinking alcohol, lose excess weight, and include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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Author: alex

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