Feast of Panteleimon the Healer 2024: who is this saint and why is he prayed for healing

Panteleimon of Nicomedia: what kind of holiday is it, when and how to celebrate it.

Who is Panteleimon the Healer

Panteleimon the Healer was born in Nicomedia (now Turkey). He was a doctor by profession. He became a Christian and believed in Jesus Christ. He healed people with his faith and prayers. Once, Emperor Maximian, who was particularly cruel to Christians, heard rumors that pagan priests could not heal a blind man, but the Christian Panteleimon was able to. The saint was executed for his faith.

Why do they pray to Panteleimon the Healer for health: explanation of the church

Christians honor Panteleimon as a holy healer. Once Panteleimon healed a blind man with his prayers. He treated the poor and prisoners free of charge and preached faith in Christ.

The Church considers him the patron saint of doctors and the sick. In the Catholic Church, the great martyr Panteleimon belongs to 14 holy helpers who heal from diseases. That is why on the day of Panteleimon it is customary to pray for health and ask the saint for recovery for the sick and strength for the weak.

Every year in Ukraine, the Order of Saint Panteleimon is awarded to doctors distinguished by their professionalism and mercy. The award has existed in Ukraine since 2009.

Folk traditions on the holiday of Panteleimon the Healer

According to Ukrainian folk traditions, it is strictly forbidden to work in the field, harvest crops or take shelter in the house. It was believed that whoever will work on this day, therefore the thunderstorm will burn bread or the house.

Domestic physical work is also prohibited. On the holiday, it is better to spend time on prayer. You cannot refuse help to the needy. And also quarrel and curse, as on other days.

On Panteleimon day, you must visit the temple and pray to the saint, ask for health for your family and loved ones. Now Saint Panteleimon is the patron saint of the military and the wounded, so Ukrainians pray on this day for their health and recovery.

On the feast of Panteleimon, it was considered necessary to collect healing herbs, on this day they are blessed by Panteleimon himself and will have more healing power. It is also customary to prepare pies and treat them to the sick and needy.

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Author: alex

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