Features of growing eggplant seedlings: from the experience of gardeners
Growing eggplant is not such an easy thing. This capricious vegetable does not like transplants, sudden changes in temperature, it is a target for Colorado beetles. But, despite everything, it is possible to collect a decent harvest of eggplants, knowing certain features of their cultivation, especially the initial stage – seedlings.
First of all, it is necessary to take into account that it takes about 75 days for eggplants to go from seed to bush that can be planted in the soil: two weeks for it to grow, two more months for it to develop. Since the plant is afraid not only of frost, but also of low plus temperature, now is the time to sow seeds.
Before sowing, seeds should be disinfected by soaking in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then rinse with clean water.
The soil for seedlings should consist of peat, humus and earth in a ratio of 2:5:3. To make life easier for yourself and the seedlings, we recommend growing it immediately in peat-humus pots. The thing is that the root system of eggplant is woody and in the case of transplanting plants it is difficult to recover. Place 2-3 seeds in each cup to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, cover and place in a warm place until sprouts appear.
Pay special attention to watering. They should be regular, the water for watering should be warm.
Eggplants need a lot of space, because they have a considerable green mass. Leaves of neighboring plants should touch each other. Tight planting will lead to the fact that the seedlings are pulled out and you will not get good seedlings. In addition. They should have enough light, so from time to time the pots should be turned from different sides to the sun.
2 weeks before planting in the open ground, the plants should be hardened – take them outside for a short time or at least open the window. Seedlings at the time of planting should have 6-8 true leaves and a height of 15-18 cm.
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