Features that are characteristic of people with high intelligence

High intelligence is an extraordinary feature of the work of the nervous system: it is characterized by high-speed thinking, complex reasoning, understanding of what is inaccessible to many. In turn, intelligent men and women with high intelligence are characterized by unusual features.

Thinking about non-trivial, hard-to-understand things.One of the features characteristic of people with high intelligence is a tendency to think about things that are outside the boundaries of everyday life and difficult to perceive and understand. For this reason, it is difficult to find a common language with them, they are not interested in solving everyday issues that are urgent for many people.

Misophonia. According to scientists from the University of Newcastle (England), smart people and intelligent women often suffer from increased sensitivity to unpleasant sounds, which can cause severe reactions in them. Experts believe that this feature is influenced by the increased electrical activity of the brain of such people.

Passion for chocolate.The active work of the brain uses very large amounts of energy, and owners of high intelligence often show an attraction to sweets – it quickly provides the nervous system with the calories it needs.

Quick reactions. Intelligent people can quickly calculate, make correct predictions, guess other people's intentions by non-verbal signs. Their neurons exchange a large number of electrical impulses, which can accelerate mental processes.

Intense walking.New Zealand researchers have discovered that people whose normal gait is characterized by a fast, jerky pace have an average IQ of 15 points higher. It was established: the nerve cells of owners of accelerated gait are distinguished by the ability to remain in good shape for a long time.

Bipolar disorder. People prone to this mental disorder are often intellectually gifted. Some scientists consider genius as a symptom of abnormalities in the structure and functioning of the brain, the poet, in its presence, may manifest other disorders.

Lack of friends. Smart, extraordinary people are lonely in many cases. Only a small circle is allowed to accept and understand all their amazing features. Besides, intellectuals feel great alone. Such people are self-sufficient, they always have something to think about or write about, they often look aloof. Research also confirms that the higher a person's intelligence, the less developed his desire to communicate and be in a team.

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Author: alex

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