Feelings in the mouth, which can be warning signs of a heart attack
Some sensations, for example, an unpleasant taste or pain in the jaw, can be warning signs of a heart attack. Their appearance should be discussed with a doctor.
A heart attack or heart attack occurs when a blood artery that supplies the heart with blood and oxygen is blocked. This blockage occurs due to the accumulation of fatty plaques inside the arteries.
The most common warning signs of a heart attack are chest pain or pressure. However, experts clarify, people with a heart attack may also have various symptoms that seem unusual and are little known. Among them are some sensations in the mouth, changes in the state of the oral cavity.
British scientist, Professor Adam Taylor (Lancaster University) advised in an interview with the Express publication to pay attention to the following sensations in the mouth.
“A strange aftertaste appears in the mouth, which many people call sour. Other warning signs of a heart attack can be inflammation of the gums, bad breath, tooth loss,” said Taylor.
The scientist noted that the human mouth is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Bad ones can get into the bloodstream from the mouth, cause inflammation of blood vessels, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Periodontitis can be a harbinger of heart disease, including heart attacks.
Professor Taylor added that plaque around the teeth in the form of a sticky, bacteria-rich film is also a warning sign of heart problems. Such plaque is a distinctive feature of atherosclerosis.
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